At Great Escape we concentrate on teaching you to sail by going sailing. There is nothing like time on the water to develop skills and competence.
To supplement learning time on the water we recommend IYT eLearning. Many of the courses are free and are good preparation for your sailing adventure.
Suggested courses
For beginners we suggest the International Crew course, for intermediate and advanced sailors the International Bareboat/Flotilla Skipper course.
See here for more information Click for IYT eLearning information (Note:You will need to register before taking any of the courses).
If you have selected the optional International Yacht Training (IYT) certification for your sailing adventure completion of the eLearning is a prerequisite. You will need to register with IYT and send your eLearning completion certificate to us at Great Escape before you arrive at the dock.
Help with registering with IYT
If you have any questions or are unsure of how to register watch this IYT tutorial on you tube Click here for IYT Tutorial How to Register
More information
There are also other great sailing tips to help you prepare for your sailing adventure on the Great Escape website Click for Great Escape Sailing tips