We are very proud to now be accredited as an IYT Partner School for their recreational sailing courses up to International Bareboat Skipper Sail, with ICC (International Certificate of Competence). This is great news for New Zealand sailors who wish to obtain an internationally recognised recreational maritime qualification.
Through IYT Great Escape will have access to excellent training resources and support for instructor development. IYT program is an international modular format of standardised training. Sailors can commence their training with one school and subsequent modules can be completed with any one of the IYT partner schools. This means sailors from New Zealand can complete additional modules in Croatia or in one of the over 250 schools around the world. Sailors from any of the other schools worldwide can come to New Zealand and complete additional modules.
See the IYT Press Release here: https://www.iytworld.com/iyt-worldwide-welcomes-great-escape-our-first-and-only-partner-school-in-beautiful-new-zealand/